Featured Fluffs and their Faves - Peanut (and Molly!)

Our featured fluff this month is one of our favourite frenchies, Peanut! Peanut kindly told us what her favourite treats are!! 

”My name is Peanut and I am addicted to The Doggie Bakery Chicken Twists...”.                  

            Peanut loooooooooves our Chicken Twists

“It all started in September 2017 when my hoomans were looking for my 1st birthday cake. We went over to meet the girls at the markets and ordered my cake and left with a mixed bag of biccys.. in there was a chicken twist! These biccys are the best!! Liver biscuit wrapped in dried chicken!! What more could you want?!”

Shortly after meeting Peanut at one of our markets, gorgeous Molly was then introduced to their family. We love cuddles with this excitable pup, but Peanut has discovered an issue with her! 😂

“Unfortunately I now have to share my chicken twist biccy with Molly.. that’s my grannies dog”

 Peanut learning to share!  🙊

Her hoomum says that another favourite are the Chicken and Chia Chippies.

Peanut’s other fave - Chicken and Chia Chippies

We love to hear that our treats are being enjoyed but more importantly we love knowing our treats make a difference. Peanut says “I have to watch what I eat.. I can get pretty gassy.. and the hoomans start looking a bit green after.. but I haven’t had any problems when having the treats from The Doggie Bakery”

A big thanks to Peanut for her review and her hoomum for helping 😉 

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