Featured Fluff and their Faves - Mochi

This month’s featured fluff is literally a ball of fluff!! We have been privileged to know this special little one for some time now and we love that her parents trust us to spoil their girl!

Mochi’s parents wrote the following....Mochi comes in many forms, sometimes it's hard as a rock, sometimes it's soft and squishy, other times it's a fluffy pint sized cloud with an unusual facination for chicken and unicorns.

So fluffy 🥰
So please meet Mochi, a boopable Japanese Spitz from Sydney. She's grown up snacking on treats from the Doggie Bakery ever since she was a little pupperina. The first time she got a taste of the 100% chicken breast, she kept sniffing around the house looking for more!
This little nimbus cloud loves to sleep but only when she's sure she isn't missing out on any fun. Even if it's just a trip to the fridge, to the treat drawer or to the washing machine, she'll be there.
Mochi's most favourite place is the beach. As soon as those paws hit the sand she gets a big cheesy grin, brings her chest down low to the ground as if she's ready to take the gold at the 100m, tucks her ears back for maximum aerodynamics and there you have it.. ZOOMIES!
Such a happy girl at the beach 
We love that the treats from the Doggie Bakery are all natural and 100% preservative free. Cloud faves are the 100% Chicken Breasts, Mixed Carob/Yoghurt Drops and can't forget the Chicken Twists. Mochi gives them 11/10 paws, would recommend.


Many thanks to Mochi’s parents for this amazing review 🙏❤️🐾